I received my M.S. degree in Information and Communication Engineering from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT) in 2022, under the advision of Prof. Weihong Deng . Before that, I received my B.S. degree in Communication Engineering, also from BUPT, in 2019. During my college years, I did research in the field of computer vision and deep learning. Now I'm working on GPU accelerated computing at NVIDIA. Email: zhangyaobin.zyb AT outlook.com |
Check out our talk at GTC 2024: Accelerate Recommender Systems and Increase GPU Utilization With Multiple CUDA Streams. [GTC website, or our live footage (code: m93x)]
2022.7~Now: DevTech Engineer, NVIDIA, Beijing.
2021.5~2021.10: Research Intern, Alibaba DAMO Academy, Beijing.
2020.11~2021.3: Research Intern, Bytedance Inc., Beijing.